About Rupantar
Education is one of the most powerful means for bringing about change in theindividual, the society and the country. In India, an innovative initiative is needed, whichcan successfully bring together four elements—impact with large numbers, high quality& excellence, higher values and cost effectiveness.
“Organisations, however vast and complex they may be, can achieve nothingpermanent unless a new force, more divine and all-powerful, expresses itself through aperfected human instrument.” – The MotherLaunched by Sri Aurobindo Society in 2015, Rupantar (www.rupantar.in) is aprogramme to transform the quality of education in government schools across thecountry, by harnessing the power of the people and existing resources. No newsystems, no more layers of processes. This is a movement to create an ecosystemwhere everyone works together in synergy to harness the power of the people andexisting resources.With several innovative projects to empower teachers, gear up education officers,support students and increase parents’ and community’s participation, Rupantar is faston its way to become the world’s largest programme to improve state education systems.
For more information:
Microsite: https://www.sac.ac.in | YouTube Channel: https://www.sac.ac.in/ Twitter: @SAS_Rupantar | LinkedIn: Sri Aurobindo Society Rupantar